Siemens and Diamond Energy to Pilot Demand Response Technology

Siemons and Diamond Energy, both of Singapore, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that details their commitment to partner on a multi-phase Demand Response program. The program will begin with a pilot project meant to show the feasibility of implementing such a system and the benefits that would come with it, and is focused on customized technology for Interruptible Load (IL) operations.

The existing IL services in Singapore allow customers to be paid in return for allowing part of their energy supply to be used in a temporary interruption standby. Demand Response would further augment this program to allow the consumers to shift and/or reduce their energy consumption during peak hours in return for payments, thus rewarding them for being flexible and allowing them to lower their bills by using less energy overall.

This pilot program will be implemented over the course of a few years by Siemens and Diamond. Siemens will supply smart meters and other integral smart communication devices necessary to implement a Demand Response system. The utility will also perform site surveys for installation of the equipment and supervise the installations, which will be performed by Diamond.

Diamond Energy is the current largest Interruptible Load Aggregator in Singapore’s National Electricity Market, and will be managing the IL operations of the pilot demand response program using its own proprietary technology. The utility has been working in the industrial and manufacturing sectors of the country to get the program moving since 2006. The Diamond Energy Group Chairman, Zainul Abidin Rasheed, released a statement that the utility’s mission is to offer energy management solutions that will help customers lower operating costs through their demand response service while at the same time creating a sustainable environment. He claims that the program will bring about benefits across the market, touching electricity pricing, power system resilience, as well as infrastructure planning and design.


Read the full article here: Siemens and Diamond Energy to Pilot Demand Response Technology






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